Spice up your headshots!

If it’s time to freshen up your company headshots, but the thought of creating yet another round of lifeless photos makes you die a little inside, then you’re in luck because here are 3 ways you can make your company headshots look WAY more interesting!

  • Option 1 is super simple but effective - try introducing coloured backgrounds to add some vibrancy and personality to your photos like we did for our client, New Socks Media. This is a super simple but effect way to incorporate your company colours in to the photos, rather than sticking to the traditional plain white background.

  • Option 2 is to shoot on location instead. This can either be within your workplace, or outdoors in a nearby park. This will instantly remove any stuffyness from the photos and gives them more of a natural, relaxed, lifestyle kind of feel. One example of this method working particularly well was for a campaign we worked on for the NHS. By taking the photos in the workplace it instantly sets the scene and creates a much more realistic and natural photo.

  • Option 3 is to have fun and try including props that are either relevant to what you do, or give an insight in to that particular person’s interests and hobbies. One of our clients, Crooton, did this well by incorporating their glasses logo into the shots. Accountancy firm, Haines Watts, asked their employees to bring in props that showed their personal interests. They also took a set of regular headshots too so that the images could be used as a rollover feature on their website.


Introduce colour

Shoot on location

Use props

So, like I said, who says headshots have to be boring?


Worried about being on camera?